
Full Speed Ahead for Nanowrimo

Full Speed Ahead for Nanowrimo


Or, National Novel Writing Month for the uninitiated.

I’ve had a great 5 days of writing on my latest project so far. For various life reasons, my writing habit faltered during the early fall months, but I was able to plan and outline to reboot during November. Thus far, I’m very pleased with my success. My word count’s been great every day and I’m enjoying the story that’s forming around my outline. Feels kind of like Dr. Frankenstein bringing a creation to life. Muahaha!

The working title for my latest venture is Pendulum Arcanum. Here’s the Synopsis:

Pendulum ArcanumPendulum Arcanum, a Middle-Grade novel, is Warehouse 13 meets The Mummy.  Daniel Waldera believes Death stalks him every year when school starts. As 8th Grade begins, Daniel is relieved he no longer has to contend with his shadowy stalker from the past. After a terrible 13th birthday, Death once again lurks around every corner for Daniel until Halloween night when Daniel learns the truth behind his annual Back-to-School-Ghost.

Upon learning he has gained the ability to infuse everyday objects with magic, crafting powerful and sometimes dangerous artifacts, Daniel embarks upon a frightening adventure chased by horrifying spectres known as Drats threatening his friendships, family, and most importantly the entire school! In the end, Daniel discovers he has to make a terrible choice forever changing his life and the lives of those he cares about most.