Visions of The Avengers
Visions of The Avengers
I’m anxious to see Avengers: Age of Ultron, in a good way, and a bad way. The Avengers was my favorite comic book growing up. It’s one of the first books I ever bought with my own money and started collecting. I was thrilled with Joss Whedon’s take on my Avengers in the first film. It worked really well and Joss obviously “got it”. He maintained a lot of the chemistry and relationships that makes The Avengers special as a comic book.
Admittedly, I haven’t kept up with comic books as much as I’d like as an adult. Time, money, and life interfered. But, to me my Avengers will always hold a special place in my heart and mind regardless of whatever has been done to the title through the years.
Now, my favorite character in Marvel comics has always been Vision. Thus, I’m having grave reservations about Avengers: Age of Ultron. I truly don’t want Vision and Scarlet Witch to be ruined. Vision has always represented an especially poignant look at our struggle to define our humanity, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Vision has explored how we deal with love, life, loss, and everything in between. I was heartened by the Pinocchio references in the trailers. I’m hoping Joss still “gets it” and doesn’t muck up Vision. We’ll see. . . .
(A few hours later…)
Not a disappointment in the least. If anything, Vision didn’t have nearly enough screen time, but I think the new origin story Joss crafted fits in nicely with what Vision has always been and represented and it melds well with the MCU on screen currently. I was very pleased with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the movie. Again, a lot of potential for character development there. Another great Avengers movie. Thank you Mr. Whedon, job well done!
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